Friday, March 7, 2008

My embryo's name is Rudy......

I just decided I'm going to call my embryo Rudy after the character in the movie Rudy.
My little embryo has all the odds stacked against it and everyone telling it that it's not going to make it, but I believe that it's a fighter (like the kid in Rudy) and will be on top in the end.

I just talked to the nurse at my doctor's office....
She said my HCG is up from 14.4 on Wednesday to 31 today. So it's doubled like it's supposed to.
However, she was quick to say this was not hopeful. WHAT?! I thought doubling was good!

She said doubling was good but that since it is still only at 30 that is very low and she said I will "probably lose it soon and your level will probably be down on Monday." How's that for optimistic? She said that I would need to have a significant HCG spike for it to be a good sign.... or see a heartbeat. What????? That is like light-years away..........

She also said that they have only had one person have a HCG as low as mine and actually end up with a baby.

Whatever. I know from my own nursing career that medical professionals are VERY BAD at predicting the future and I'm hoping that holds true in the case of Rudy the embryo. I'm going to just keep cheering Rudy on until he/she gets stronger and attaches and gives a Kick-Ass HCG level that I can flaunt in front of the IVF nurse and say: We are the SECOND ones who will make it through with a low starting HCG - so there!
(ps. the caption on the Rudy picture says "when people say dreams don't come true, tell them about Rudy" - how appropriate).


Cece said...

With my last cycle, my HCG was just a little over 30.. and I got loads of stories from people that went on to have babies with HCGs that low. Stay hopeful!

Morrisa said...

I am holding out hope that your HCG will continue to rise. I will be thinking about you this weekend.

Io said...

RuDY, RuDy, RuDY!
It did double, so I am still totally rooting the little guy on. Go embie!

Shauna said...

thanks everybody for all your encouraging comments.... i appreciate them all. (so does Rudy)

Lollipop Goldstein said...

You go Rudy!

Just wanted to let you know that you're on my blogroll--I added you a few days ago but it sometimes takes a week to move from the sidebar to the blog post version of the list.

And that I'm just wishing with you. Wishing really hard for this embryo.

Erin said...

I found your blog through Morissa's. I am dying to know what happened since Friday. I hope that you are more than "kind of pregnant"