Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Look, New Outlook...

As you'll blog has a new look. Kind of symbolic I I embark on IVF again I am going to try to keep optimistic this time. No more negativity. (So if you hear negativity - give me a slap on the hands...I'm turning a new leaf this time). I'm going to be positive.

I recently read this book/saw the film called "The Secret." You may have seen the Oprah episode featuring this...if not click the link. The website is kind of hocus pocus but the the book/movie is pretty good. I think I am going to try to keep to their teaching of positive thinking and the law of attraction with this IVF cycle. Instead of saying things like "if it works" and "my next try," I'm going to stop that negative type of speaking and say things like "when it works."

It's crazy how wierd and unnatural it feels to be so optimistic.


Chelle said...

Yes! I have heard of "The Secret". I need to read it, but I knew this woman who lived that way, by "the secret", and she was about the happiest woman I have ever met.

Good for you! It takes a strong, strong person to get through all of this... let alone stay positive. Love the layout!

Chelle said...

PS-Maggie is SO cute!!

Ashley said...

Shauna- I love the look of your new blog! Good luck as you start this IVF journey. I think a positive attitude goes farther than we think. I read the secret and there is a lot of truth to "you attract what you spend most your time thinking about/giving energy to". I look forward to hearing about your new journey. :)